66 Chapter 5
Options and Accessories
Options and Accessories
Secure Memory Erase Provides the ability to quickly and easily perform a security
erase, deleting all user-stored data, without affecting the
useability of the analyzer. Option 117 cannot be installed if
Option 115 is installed.
43A, & 45A
80 MHz Bandwidth
Adds an alternative 80 MHz wide IF path for making
measurements. Cannot be installed if Option 107 is installed.
Additional measurement accuracy can be achieved using the
External Calibration Wizard Option 235, or with the 89600
Vector Signal Analyzer Application calibration. The 80 MHz
functionality is available as part of the added Basic Mode. Basic
Mode includes the measurements:
spectrum (frequency domain)
waveform (time domain)
Switchable Preselector
Allows you to bypass the tuned filters at the input of the
spectrum analyzer when making measurements in the
3 to 50 GHz range. This improves the sensitivity and increases
the available measurement dynamic range. However it allows
the analyzers internal mixing products and image response
signals to be visible on the display, in addition to the actual
desired signal response. This option is available in all models.
Option 123 cannot be installed if Option AYZ is installed.
Y-axis Video Output Provides a 0 to 1 V signal that corresponds to the bottom and
top of the display graticule, respectively. The output voltage
tracks the Y-axis position of the trace data while the analyzer is
sweeping. (This output is similar to the 8566B Video Out.)
43A, & 45A
40 MHz Bandwidth
Adds an alternative 40 MHz wide IF path for making
measurements. Cannot be installed if Option 107 is installed.
The 40 MHz functionality is available as part of the added
Basic Mode. Basic Mode includes the measurements:
spectrum (frequency domain)
waveform (time domain)
202 GSM with EDGE
Measurement Personality
General transmitter measurement:
transmit power
Provides GSM (GMSK modulation) transmitter measurements:
power vs. time
phase and frequency error
output RF spectrum
transmit band spurs
Provides EDGE (8PSK modulation) transmitter measurements:
power vs. time
output RF spectrum
transmit band spurs
Requires Option B7J hardware.
Name Description