50 Chapter 4
Viewing Catalogs and Saving Files
File Menu Functions
Viewing Catalogs and Saving Files
Press File, Catalog to bring up a screen display as shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Catalog Menu
NOTE Use the front-panel Step Keys or Knob and the Dir Up or Dir Select keys
to move up and down within the directory information box.
1. The entry fields show the parameters for the files viewed. Entry
fields that are being modified or are modifiable are indicated by
highlighting (inverse video). Each file menu function has its own
unique set of entry fields pertaining to that function. Below are the
fields listed under the catalog key:
a. Name: field states the filename.
b. Show Type: field displays the type of files viewed.
c. Path: field displays the drive and directory location of the files.
2. The directory information box displays the drives, directories, and/or
files currently described in the entry fields. Highlighting a row of
information selects that location and updates the entry fields. There
are four column headings in this area of the display. They are
described as follows:
a. Name: column states the drive ([-A-] or [-C-]) if at the top level