58 Chapter 4
Viewing Catalogs and Saving Files
Saving a File
Viewing Catalogs and Saving Files
NOTE You should notice that the trace you saved, in this example trace 3, is
loaded to trace 2. If you wish to verify this condition, remove the
signal input. Press
Input/Output, Input Port, Amptd Ref (Off).
Note that when a trace is loaded, it is placed in view mode. To see
that trace 2 is in view mode, blank traces 1 and 3 by pressing
View/Trace, Trace 1, Blank, Trace 3, Blank. Then press Trace 2. Notice
that trace 2 is the only trace displayed in view mode (the view key is
selected, and the trace is not sweeping). Your display should look
similar to Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-6 Verifying Trace 1
CAUTION When operating in dc coupled mode, ensure protection of the input
mixer by limiting the input level to 0 Vdc and +30 dBm.
NOTE When loading Limits files, be sure you have selected the appropriate
X Axis Units: frequency or time (
Display, Limits, Properties, X Axis
). If you are in time X-Axis Units, and you load frequency limits,
all current limit line data will be erased and the analyzer will switch
to the frequency domain. The reverse of the this situation also holds