
Chapter 4 143
Making Measurements
Timebase Frequency
Window One (Time Record)
Shows an I/Q display of the frequency difference between the input
signal and the internal 10 MHz signal.
Window Two (Magnitude)
Shows a polar representation of window one. This window shows how
much the phase error changes during the sampling period.
Window Three (Freq Error)
Shows a stripchart of the timebase error in MHz vs. time. Each dot on
the horizontal axis is one sampling period.
Window Four (numeric results)
Freq error: The error difference between the 10 MHz input signal and
the internal 10 MHz signal.
Magnitude: The magnitude of the external 10 MHz signal. While this
is an uncalibrated value, it gives the user an idea of the signal
Adjusting: A
0 will appear if the timebase adjustment is not being
performed. A
1 will appear if the adjustment is being performed.