
Chapter 4 125
Making Measurements
Making the Adjacent Channel Power (ACP) Measurement
Make sure the ACP measurement is selected under the MEASURE menu.
Meas Setup key accesses the menu which allows you to modify the
average number and average mode for this measurement. In addition,
the following parameters for adjacent channel power measurements
can be modified:
Ref Channel - Allows you to access the following parameters for the
reference channel settings:
Chan Integ BW - Allows you to specify the channel integration
bandwidth in which the carrier power is measured. The range is
1.000 kHz to 20.0000 MHz with the best resolution of 1 Hz.
Avg Type - Choose the averaging type between Pwr Avg (RMS) and
Ref Chan Adv - Allows you to access the menu to change the
following advanced parameters for the reference channel:
Sweep Time - Allows you to select Man or Auto (default) mode.
Limit Setup:
Abs Limit
Rel Lim (Car)
Rel Lim (PSD)
0.00 dBm
45.00 dBc (offset A)
28.87 dB (offset A)
Meas Type Total Pwr Ref
Trig Source Free Run (Immediate)
Fast ACP Off
Limit Test On
Ref Chan Adv:
Sweep Time
Data Points
Res BW
Num FFT Seg
µs; Auto
2048; Auto
1.620 kHz (grayed out)
1; Auto
Offset Adv:
Sweep Time 11.20 ms; Auto
Data Points 1024; Auto
Res BW 79.0 Hz (grayed out)
Num FFT Seg 1; Auto
Relative Atten 0.00 dB
Table 4-4 Adjacent Channel Power Measurement Defaults
Measurement Parameter Factory Default Condition