
92 Chapter 5
Troubleshooting Gateway Configuration
Troubleshooting Telnet Configuration
If you have trouble configuring the LAN/GPIB Gateway using Telnet with the
default IP address of
1 Verify that the route command was performed properly. Use
netstat -r to display the network routing tables.
2 Verify that the Gateway is on the same local subnet as the client
system from which you are Telneting. If not, consult your Network
Administrator to determine if the default IP address will work from a
separate subnet or to find a client system on the same local subnet
that you can use.
3 After the Gateway is powered on, press the
Config Preset button on
the back panel of the LAN/GPIB Gateway and verify the
LAN Conn
LED is flashing slowly.
4 If the Telnet to the default IP address does not work,
try pressing the
Config Preset button again. Depending on how your
network is configured, the button may need to be pressed twice
before the default IP address will be properly recognized and routed
on the network. Or, one of the network values may be improperly
configured on the Gateway, blocking a successful connection.
Troubleshooting BOOTP Configuration
If you are have trouble configuring the LAN/GPIB Gateway using the
BOOTP configuration method:
1 Verify that the Gateway’s configuration values are correct in the
/etc/bootptab file for your BOOTP server.
2 Verify that the BOOTP server system is configured to run the
bootpd daemon. See the Administering ARPA Services manual
for more information.
3 Look for bootpd daemon errors in the syslog file on the syslog
server for the BOOTP server.