
84 Chapter 5
Gateway Failure Messages
syslog File Messages
The syslog file error messages can be viewed via the Telnet syslog-
display command or by looking in the syslog file specified via the
syslog server address configuration value.
Any invalid BOOTP values are detected when the file /etc/bootptab is
read by the bootpd daemon. Errors will be sent to the syslog server for the
BOOTP server system that is running the bootpd daemon. The following
table lists some common syslog messages generated by the E2050
LAN/GPIB Gateway.
Message Description
ready for use Gateway has powered on and successfully completed its hardware self-test.
rebooting Gateway is about to do a reboot or factory-reset command.
Access denied for
Client specified by the IP_address has been denied access to the Gateway
as it is not in the IP allow list. Check current IP allow list configuration setting.
Max connections
exceeded, client
IP_address refused
A client specified by the IP_address was not allowed to connect to the
Gateway because the maximum number of concurrent client connections on
the Gateway has been exceeded. No more than 15 client connections can be
running concurrently on the Gateway, and fewer may be allowed depending
on memory usage for existing clients. Use the Telnet status command to
determine the status of the current client connections on the Gateway.
An operation could not acquire sufficient resources on the Gateway to
execute. This usually means the Gateway has too many sessions open,
not allowing another session to be opened or an operation on an open
session to be performed. Use the Telnet status command to determine
the status of the current open sessions on the Gateway.
HP-IB Address n is
not a valid HP-IB
The hpib-addr: value in the TFTP configuration file specifies an invalid
GPIB address, n.
HP-IB Logical Unit
n is not valid.
The hpib-unit: value in the TFTP configuration file specifies an invalid
GPIB logical unit, n.
io-timeout must
be >= 0
The io-timeout: value in the TFTP configuration file specifies an invalid,
negative I/O timeout for the server.
lan-timeout must
be >= 0
The lan-timeout: value in the TFTP configuration file specifies an invalid,
negative “keepalive” LAN timeout for the server.
Address is not a
valid IP address.
An invalid IP address for a configuration value was specified in the TFTP
configuration file.