Chapter 3 57
Configuration Methods
4 Test that the Gateway has received the BOOTP response and has
configured itself by using the ping command. This command allows
you to test general network connectivity between your client
computer system and the LAN/GPIB Gateway. At the client system,
type: ping hostname (or) IP_address
For example, using a Gateway’s hostname:
ping E2050.agilent.com
Or, using a Gateway’s IP address:
You should get a response from the ping command that is similar to
the following, where each line after the PING line is an example of a
packet successfully reaching the Gateway from the client system. If
ping response is similar to the following, the Gateway has been
configured successfully.
PING E2050.agilent.com: 64 byte packets
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=3. ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=3. ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=2. ms
If, after several seconds, ping does not print any lines, use
to kill ping. The ping will then report on what it found. A response
similar to the following indicates the client was unable to contact the
Gateway and there may be some problem with the Gateway’s
configuration or with the network itself. If you have trouble
configuring the Gateway or want to verify that the configuration is
correct, see Chapter 5.
----E2050.agilent.com PING Statistics----
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100%
packet loss