Chapter 2: Task Guide
Setting Up Triggers and Running Measurements
Running Measurements
After you set up a trigger, you're ready to run the logic analyzer
• “To start/stop measurements” on page 86
• “If nothing happens when you start a measurement” on page 86
• “To view the trigger status” on page 87
To start/stop measurements
To start measurements
1. Select the Run Single , Run Repetitive , Group Run Single ,
Group Run Repetitive, or Run All button.
Run starts only the instrument you are using. Single runs gather data
until the logic analyzer memory is full, and then stop.
Repetitive runs keep repeating the same measurement and are
useful for gathering statistics.
Group Run (or repetitive group run) starts all instruments attached
to group run in the Intermodule window.
Run All starts all instruments currently placed in the workspace.
To stop a measurement
1. Select the Stop or Stop All button.
If nothing happens when you start a measurement
• Analyzers with deep memory take a noticeable amount of time to complete
a run. Because data is not displayed until acquisition completes, it may
look like nothing is happening. Check the Run Status window to see if the