
Chapter 3: Reference
The Trigger Tab
Becomes true when the specified pattern occurs in the specified number
of samples consecutively.
Find pattern2 n times after pattern1, before pattern3 occurs
Becomes true when the second specified pattern occurs in a specified
number of samples after the the first specified pattern but without the
third specified pattern occurring anywhere in between.
Store n samples
Becomes true when the specified number of samples are stored.
Wait n external clock states
Becomes true when the specified number of external clocks have
Wait for arm in
When the logic analyzer is armed by another instrument (as specified in
the Intermodule window), this trigger function becomes true when the
arm signal is received.
Wait for second analyzer to trigger
When the logic analyzer's pods are assigned to two analyzers, this trigger
function becomes true when the other analyzer triggers.
Wait for flag
Becomes true when the specified flag has the specified value. This trigger
function tests for a flag event.
Set/clear/pulse flag
Becomes true on any sample and sets, clears, pulse sets, or pulse clears
the specified flag. This trigger function inserts a flag action.
OR Trigger
When the logic analyzer is armed by another instrument (as specified in
the Intermodule window), this trigger function becomes true when a
pattern occurs a specified number of times OR when the arm signal is
See Also “To specify a label pattern event” on page 66