
Chapter 3: Reference
The Trigger Tab
This trigger function has been replaced by the "Store range until pattern
occurs" and "Store pattern2 until pattern1 occurs" trigger functions.
Store nothing until pattern occurs
Becomes true when the specified pattern occurs one time and doesn't
store any samples until then.
Run until user stop
Sets up to never trigger. You must select the stop button to view the
captured data.
Find pattern2 occurring immediately after pattern1
Becomes true when the second specified pattern occurs in the sample
immediately after a sample in which the first specified pattern occurs.
Find pattern1 eventually followed by pattern2
Becomes true when the second specified pattern occurs in a sample
(eventually) after a sample in which the first specified pattern occurs.
Find pattern2 occurring too soon after pattern1
Becomes true when the second specified pattern occurs within a specified
time after the first specified pattern.
Find pattern2 occurring too late after pattern1
Becomes true when the second specified pattern does not occur within a
specified time after the first specified pattern.
Find too few states between pattern1 and pattern2
Becomes true when the second specified pattern occurs within a specified
number of samples (states) after the first specified pattern.
Find too many states between pattern1 and pattern2
Becomes true when the second specified pattern does not occur within a
specified number of samples (states) after the first specified pattern.
Find n-bit serial pattern
Becomes true when a specified serial pattern of N bits is found on the
analyzed line.
Find pattern n consecutive times