
Function Reference
Auto Align
Auto Align
Pressing the auto align button on the front panel of the instrument performs
an automatic alignment of the instrument using the largest signal found in a
full span sweep. This aligns the output of the monochromator with the photo-
detector for improved amplitude accuracy. To ensure maximum amplitude
accuracy and stability, connect an input signal to the instrument, mark the
peak of the signal, and then press Auto Align. This starts an automatic align-
ment procedure that should be performed whenever the instrument has been:
subjected to a 2
° temperature change
restarted and warmed up at the start of each day
The automatic alignment requires the connection of an external, broadband or
narrowband, light source. If there is insufficient signal power, the automatic
alignment will not be performed and an error message will be reported.
The auto align function saves and restores the current instrument state. This
allows the auto align function to be used in the middle of a measurement rou-
If markers are turned on, the auto align function attempts to do the automatic
alignment at the wavelength of the active marker. If the instrument is in zero
span, the alignment is performed at the center wavelength.
Key Path Auto Align
Related Functions Auto Meas
Auto Align & Add to Trajectory
Calibrator Multi-Pt Align
User Source Multi-Pt Align