
Status Listings
OSA Warnings
6742 desc = Requested amplitude not found
help = A math expression to search for a specific amplitude in a trace did not
succeed. There are no trace points with the desired amplitude.
6744 desc = Excursion should be in dB
help = The units for the excursion are not in dB.
6745 desc = Log of a negative number is not allowed.
help = During evaluation of a math expression the logarithm of a negative
number was encountered.
6746 desc = Math expression contains a circular reference.
help = A new math expression was entered. The expression was rejected
because it would create a circular reference. For example if trace math for trace
C is set to (A-B) then setting trace math for trace B to (C+D) would create a
circular reference.
6747 desc = Next peak not found
help = A next-peak search was requested. There are no more peaks on the
current markers trace in the requested direction. To find additional peaks
reduce the marker peak excursion setting or adjust sensitivity.
6748 desc = Next pit not found
help = A next-pit search was requested. There are no more pits on the current
markers trace in the requested direction. To find additional pits reduce the
marker pit excursion setting or adjust sensitivity.
6749 desc = Peak not found
help = A peak search was requested. There are no valid peaks on the current
markers trace. Try decreasing the marker peak excursion setting or adjust the
sensitivity setting.
6750 desc = Pit not found
help = A pit search was requested. There are no valid pits on the current
markers trace. Try decreasing the marker pit excursion setting or adjust the
sensitivity setting.
6751 desc = Trace has no centroid
help = The trace has no centroid. This may occur because the sum of trace
points amplitudes is zero or there a no trace points.
6752 desc = The reference point is outside trace bounds
help = The reference points wavelength is either too small or too large. The
reference point will be clipped to a trace endpoint.
Table 5-6. OSA Warnings (11 of 12)
Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples]