System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
2-4 Installation
Extract Files
From Remote
To install DataMgr from CD on a remote host,
perform the following procedure:
Step 1. Log in as
Step 2. Create a temporary directory under /tmp and cd to
that directory.
Step 3. Do an ls on the cdrompath to determine the case
(upper or lower) of the file names. Some platforms
will change the name from upper case (DM) to
lower case (dm) letters.
Step 4. To extract the files from a CD on a remote host,
enter the following command
# rsh nodename -n dd
if=/cdrompath/datamgr/platform.TAR bs=20b | tar xmvBf -
Option Description
nodename Enter the remote host name of the
machine where the tape device is
attached. Make sure the node name
is included in the /.rhosts file.
Enter the pathname where the CD
has been mounted. For example,
Enter the applicable operating system
version. For example, sol26.TAR.