System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Prerequisites 1-9
Make sure you read the DataMgr “Release Notes” to obtain the
following information:
• A list of current patches and packages required by your
• GUI requirements.
• Known problems.
• The latest AMASS compatibility matrix. Install a
compatible version of AMASS on a server on your network
to provide storage server resources.
File Pathname
DataMgr supports a file pathname limit of 1023 characters for
the DataMgr root directory in AMASS. For example, if client
files are going under /
archive/FMSclients/eureka on
AMASS, then the length of this string (26 characters) must be
subtracted from 1023 (1023-26=997). Consequently,
succeeding file pathnames can be a total of 997 characters in
File System
Size & Name
File system size is important. ADIC recommends that your file
system not exceed 1 million files. As the number of files
approaches 1 million, the system slows considerably. The
smaller the file system, the faster most utilities and commands
will complete.
The size of a file system name can be a maximum of 24
characters in length.
Install and start AMASS before installing DataMgr.