System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
1-16 Prerequisites
• Location of DataMgr databases:
- Transaction Database is on each client’s machine.
- Managed File System Database is on each client’s
machine. To calculate the size of this database, see
“Size Managed File System Database” on page 1-20.
- BFS Database is on BFS. To calculate the size of this
Database, see “Size BFS Database” on page 1-18.
• DataMgr-specific directories on AMASS:
- Bitfiles are located under
During the installation process, DataMgr creates and writes to
the directories listed in the table below. If you do not use the
default directories, DataMgr creates the directory names that
you enter in the script and the appropriate symbolic links.
Make sure that enough disk space is available for these
directories. For space requirements, see “Disk Space” on
page 1-13.
All components /etc/dm Location for DataMgr common files, such as the
error log. All machines running a DataMgr
component will have this directory.
BFS /etc/bfs Location of BFS executables.
SLD /etc/sld Location of SLD executables.
SSD /etc/ssd Location of SSD executables.