ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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This procedure provides instructions for assigning RLX alarm levels to each field.
A “toggle” field type means the user can press the space bar to view and select the
next option that is described; or the user can press the “R” key to view and select the
previous option. An “input” field type means the user must type an entry in the field
according to the parameters described. A “fixed” field is locked, and cannot be changed
by the user.
Edits can be made in the configuration database in one of two ways: 1) If the
complete field is highlighted, use the space bar to toggle forward or the “R” key to
reverse toggle through the options for that field. 2) If only the first space or the field is
highlighted, type in the data that applies to that field.
Edits to the configuration database can be saved in one of two ways: 1) Press an
arrow key and then Enter or Return once; or 2) Press Enter or Return twice after all
selections and entries are made in the screen but before leaving the screen. The message,
“Configuration Successful…Press Any Key To Continue," appears on the screen if the
entries have been accepted.
Press CONTROL-A for help information on moving around and editing fields.
1. Use the arrow keys to select Alarms from the Main Menu. Press Enter or Return.
2. Use the arrow keys to select Set Alarm Levels from the Alarms menu. Press Enter or
3. Select Set RLX Alarm Levels from the Alarm Levels menu. Press Enter or Return. An RLX
Alarm Levels screen with default values is shown in Figure 518-1.
4. Move to the Group toggle field. Select group number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
5. Move to the Slot toggle field. Select slot number 1, 2, 3, or 4.
TAD-106 Access Identifier
6. Move to the Equipment Alarms toggle fields. Select CRITICAL (CR), MAJOR (MJ), MINOR
(MN), EVENT (EV) or NOT RPTD (not reported) for each field that you wish to change.
Abbreviations of the alarm field options (except NOT RPTD) will appear in the
Active Alarms and Alarm History screens. In addition, what options you select at any
alarm level setting screen will determine whether you will be notified of the alarm.
DLP-552 Alarm/Event Notification Level Setting