
ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 1: Introduction
Page 1-1
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Content Page
1 GENERAL......................................................................... 1-1
2 USING THE CRAFT INTERFACE .......................................................... 1-1
3 EDITING FIELDS .................................................................... 1-3
3.1 Cursor ..................................................................... 1-3
3.2 Arrow Keys .................................................................. 1-3
3.3 Enter and Return Keys .......................................................... 1-3
3.4 Space Bar................................................................... 1-4
3.5 "R" Key..................................................................... 1-4
3.6 Control Key.................................................................. 1-4
3.7 Pop-Up Screens............................................................... 1-4
3.8 Help Screen ................................................................. 1-4
3.9 Data Entry .................................................................. 1-5
4 USING A TOP DOCUMENT.............................................................. 1-5
This section provides instructions on how to use the Craft Interface and how to use a
document arranged in the Task Oriented Practice (TOP) format.
Information in this manual is divided into sections as listed below:
Section 1 – Introduction
(this section), provides instructions on how to use the Craft
Interface and how to use a TOP document.
Section 2 – Operation and Maintenance
contains NTPs, DLPs, TAPs, and TADs for
installation, operation, and maintenance of the Soneplex Broadband System.
Section 3 – General Information
, located at the back of this manual provides
information about warranty, repair, and support services.
After the initial installation of a Soneplex Broadband system, most testing and local
operations are conducted with the Craft Interface through a VT-100 compatible terminal. This
terminal is connected either to the front panel of the MPU plug-in module, or through a port
located on the rear of the Soneplex Broadband chassis. Both of these connecting points
provide a standard EIA-232C interface.
When you are configuring the Soneplex Broadband system, monitoring alarms, or clearing
trouble, the TOP procedure guides you through a series of menu commands using the Craft
Interface. The Main Menu on the Craft Interface lists all the major functions, while sub-menus
further break down the functions. The menu structure is shown in Figure 1-1.