ADCP-61-471 • Issue 4 • June 2000 • Section 2: Operation and Maintenance
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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Do Items Below in The Order Listed For Details Go To
7. Clear Alarm History. DLP-527
8. Enter Target Identifier and set date and time now or during
provisioning (the turn-up process). DLP-528
9. Configure DS3 MUX as required. DLP-529
10. Configure DLX modules as required. DLP-532
11. Connect the test equipment at both ends of the system and perform
an end-to-end test. DLP-522
12. If the DS3 MUX protect module is installed:
• Execute Force/APS commands through the Craft Interface. DLP-537
• Perform Manual (Force) Switch to Protect test on DS3 MUX
module. DLP-511
• Perform APS test on DS3 MUX module. DLP-512
13. Make any necessary cross-connects at the DSX.
14. Log off from the Craft Interface system. DLP-564
15. Complete assignment forms and update office records as required
by local procedures. DLP-523