1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operations and Maintenance
Page 2-316
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 1 of 3
Summary: The following procedure describes the steps required to add or change SNMP trap
hosts on the Cellworx STN NMICs. A trap host is the system or network IP configured to receive
traps that are initiated by the Cellworx STN system. The trap messages may be used to track
problems with the system or stored for statistical data. The file to be changed is is
config.snmp.active and is located in the /cellworx/config directory. To help in the navigation of
the unix shell, here are some general commands that the user may need. The user should have
some UNIX experience before accessing or modifying these files.
Some vi commands:
• :help – use arrows to navigate
• :q – quit
• :sh – Opens shell in vi 9
• Up arrow – scrolls through recalled commands
• Delete key – exits without saving to start over, NEVER use backspace!!!
1. Telnet to the NMIC and at the NMIC command line, type in the following command:
• # export TERM=vt100
• # vi /cellworx/config/config.snmp.active
2. Figure 775-1 shows an example of an unedited NMIC file that should be displayed. Notice
the last MANAGER line shows only a localhost as the recipient of the traps.
3. There are two lines that need to be added to the file. In the example shown in Figure 775-2,
we have added an SNMP Trap host of To do this, use the Down Arrow
keys to move the cursur to the last line starting with “MANAGER”.
4. With the cursor at the beginning of the line enter “y3y”. This will “yank” three lines to the
clip board.
5. Use the Down Arrow keys to step down one line and enter a “p” to paste the two lines into
the file.
6. An exact duplicate of the MANAGER localhost lines are now displayed. Use the Arrow
keys to move the cursor to the second MANAGER localhost line and position the cursor
just before localhost.
7. Enter a Shift+C and begin typing the new SNMP Trap host IP address. Typing will
overwrite the localhost if the Shift+C keys were entered correctly.
8. After correctly entering the IP address, hit Esc to leave the insert mode.