1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-112
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 1 of 3
Summary: This procedure details the steps required to successfully configure a service provider
profile for port level connections using the NMIC GUI. Service provider profiles provide
identification for each connection for account management purposes. These service provider
profiles differ from those set in the connection configuration screens which identify the endpoint
providers. This procedure assumes the administrator has accessed and launched the NMIC GUI
per DLP-705.
1. Using the left mouse button, select Configuration, Connection, and Configure Service
Provider Profile or use the Alt+C, Alt+N and Alt+S keys. Refer to Figure 714-1.
2. The Service Provider Profile Configuration window appears. Refer to Figure 714-2.
3. All NEs discovered will be displayed in the box under the Network Element heading. Using
the left mouse button, select the network element desired for the profile
3. Select the physical interface desired for the profile under the Interface heading. These are
displayed by slot number, port number, and interface type.
4. Recording Interface Identifier is then displayed in a read only field below the selections.
Below that is the Carrier Identifier field. Single click on the Carrier Identifier field and
enter a carrier identification for the selected interface using any numeric characters.
5. Single click on the Transit Identifier field and enter a transit identification for the selected
interface using any numeric characters.
6. Select a service type from the options listed in the Service Type field. To view the options
available, single click on the down arrow to the right of the field. A pull down list appears
displaying any options configured. Refer to Figure 714-2.
7. Select a call type from the options listed in the Call Type field. To view the options
available, single click on the down arrow to the right of the field. Refer to Figure 714-3.
8. Specify whether the remote interface is a UNI or B-ICI by a single point and click on either
option under Remote Interface Type.
9. Select Apply to send the new information to the database. The system responds with the
window shown in Figure 714-4. Select “OK” to dismiss the window.
Stop! You have completed this procedure.