
Viewing measurements on the display
Panel Layout View(charts/graphs)
053-644, Rev E Page 45 eg4 & eg3
When you are in the data finder page (see above), select either the Analyze button or double-click on a
session/study to view the data in charts and graphs as displayed in Figure 5-7. The measurements and
parameters will be displayed in charts and graphs which may be customized for analysis and/or reporting
1. In the panel layout view page, it is divided into Work Items (see 1), Add panel (see 2), Arrange Panels (see
3) and data panels (see 4).
Work items (1) select either the session or study (in order to view appropriate measurement/parameter data).
Add panel (2) double-click on a chart/table type and it will appear as a panel on your screen.
Arrange panels (3) displays the order of the sessions/studies displayed in the panel section of your screen.
Data Panels (4) used to view your measurement and/or parameters from your study. Note: use the menu bar icons
and/or configure icon to customize parameters.
Figure 5-7: Panel layout view (viewing the data in charts and graphs)
To stretch the graph, click on one the corner’s edge of a chart or table and drag the mouse. The graph will expand and
widened (depending on how you drag your mouse).
To move the graph, click drag and drop to the appropriate panel position.
To change ranges, when clicking on either the x-axis or y-axis, click and drag the mouse until the appropriate range is
selected. (Note: it will span the numbers up or down depending on how you drag the mouse.)
To add labels, click on the add labels icon. Right-click and select edit text to add note/label on the chart. Type in
text and press the Enter key (on your keyboard). To move the label, left-click and hold to drag to appropriate location
on graph.
To customize chart colors, click on the icon and using the properties box, select different colors as needed.
To customize x or y axis font type, click on these or icons.
To export data to .xls file, click on the export icon.
To save a layout, right-click outside the tables/graphs area as displayed below. Click Remember Setting.
Active cursor