
Overview of running a study
Positioning the Edge on your shirt
053-644, Rev E Page 32 eg4 & eg3
Depending on what accessories you ordered with the Edge, you may have either clips on the top
and bottom of the dosimeter or some other type of mounting device. (Please refer to Appendix
A, “Contacting 3M Quest”, page 59).
How to attach the dosimeter
1. Clip the dosimeter on your shirt and ensure the microphone is positioned as high on your
shoulder as possible and away from your neck.
a. If the noise seems to come from one direction, place it on the shoulder and near the
noise source.
b. During monitoring, keep clothing from coming into contact with the windscreen to avoid
contaminating your results.
Figure 4-2: Positioning/Attaching the Edge
Before measuring, ensure the windscreen is free from any accumulated dirt. If you ordered a kit
(as explained in Chapter 2), there are replacement windscreens in the carrying case for your
convenience. Please refer to Figure 6-1, on page 50 for details on replacing the windscreen.