
display crypto ca-certificate 481
display crypto
Displays information about the certificate authority’s PEM-encoded
PKCS #7 certificate.
display crypto ca-certificate {admin | eap | web}
admin Displays information about the certificate authority’s
certificate that signed the administrative certificate for the WX switch.
The administrative certificate authenticates the WX to 3WXM or Web
eap Displays information about the certificate authority’s certificate
that signed the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) certificate for
the WX switch.
The EAP certificate authenticates the WX switch to 802.1X supplicants
web Displays information about the certificate authority’s certificate
that signed the WebAAA certificate for the WX switch.
The WebAAA certificate authenticates the WX switch to WebAAA
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Webaaa option renamed to
web in MSS Version 4.1.
Examples — To display information about the certificate of a certificate
authority, type the following command:
WX4400# display crypto ca-certificate
Table 83 describes the fields in the display.
Table 83 display crypto ca-certificate Output
Fields Description
Version Version of the X.509 certificate.
Serial Number A unique identifier for the certificate or signature.
Subject Name of the certificate owner.