About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-17
Hardware Components
TI Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card
Introduction The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card supports digital voice communications,
providing integrated network access. The T1 interface card is installed primarily in
North America and Japan. A 2-megabyte T1 card is required for passing data and
voice traffic.
Figure 1-11. T1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card
Description Each T1 dual port digital PBX interface card uses an Industry Standard Architecture
(ISA) bus interface and a Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol (MVIP) bus interface.
The MVIP bus interface provides multiplexed digital access within the PathBuilder
S24x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.
Function T1 dual port digital PBX interface cards provide the digital interfaces for
connections to a PBX. The T1 dual port digital PBX interface cards bring PCM voice
and channel signaling into the node. The PCM voice data and voice signaling is
routed to a DSPM/SM card over the MVIP bus for compression and transmission to
the remote end.
MVIP Bus Interface Connector
Pin 8
Port 50 LED
SysFail LED
Port 49 Interface
Port 50 Interface
Serial Diagnostic Port (Not Supported)
ISA Bus Interface
Port 49 LED
Pin 1
SW1 DIP Switch Bank