Channelized Data 5-9
Configuring Channelized Data
Threshold Value LES
Range: 1 to 255
Default: 10
Description: Specifies the number of errors that must occur within a fixed
15- minute window before an alarm is declared. This is based on
the threshold value for Line Error Seconds, which are seconds in
which one or more line code violation error events are detected.
Threshold Value-LCV
Range: 1 to 255
Default: 10
Description: Specifies the number of errors that must occur within a fixed
15- minute window before an alarm is declared. This is based on
the threshold value for Line Code Violations, which are the
occurrences of either a bipolar violation or excessive zeroes error
Threshold Value-PCV
Range: 1 to 255
Default: 10
Description: Specifies the number of errors that must occur within a fixed
15- minute window before an alarm is declared. This is based on
the threshold value for Path Coding Violations, which are frame
synchronization bit errors in the D4 and E1-noCRC formats, or
CRC errors in the ESF and E1-CRC formats.
Threshold Value-CSS
Range: 1 to 255
Default: 10
Description: Specifies the number of errors that must occur within a fixed
15- minute window before an alarm is declared. This is based on
the threshold value for Controlled Slip Seconds, which are
one-second intervals containing one or more controlled slips.