1-10 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
Ethernet Port 4
Consider these limitations when using the Ethernet Port 4:
• The port does not support Bridging (refer to the Bridging Option,
Part No. T0008-16). When configuring this port, you are not prompted
for the bridge link number.
• The port does not support SLAC.
• When configuring the Ethernet Port 4, you are not prompted for the connector
type. Ethernet Port 4 only supports AUI.
DSPM with E&M
The PathBuilder S26x switch Analog DSPM/E&M card
allows the PathBuilder S26x switch to support up to two (2)
voice/fax channels per card. Each E&M card occupies one
ISA slot in the PathBuilder S26x switch. The PathBuilder
S26x switch E&M card supports both two- and four-wire
Component Description (continued)