
Ethernet Cabling
Use two twisted-pairs for each link.
Use twisted-pair wire that is 22-26 AWG (0.5 millimeter) in diameter.
Use twisted-pair wire with an impedance between 85 and 115 ohms.
Make sure that the maximum twisted-pair link length from the system
to any potential workstation location is 100 meters (328 feet).
Cable Pinouts
Management connections may be established with a direct cable link to a
PC-AT serial port, or via modem. The following tables detail cable pinouts
for 9 and 25 pin PC-AT links, and for a modem connection.
CoreBuilder 7000 Serial Port
The CoreBuilder 7000 provides a standard DB-9 connector for
management connections (refer to Figure 17). Table 31 details the pinout
and functions for this connector. The CoreBuilder 7000 plays the standard
role of a DCE.
Figure 17
Serial Port Pinouts