
- 64 -
15)ONLINE ITEM ERROR [ aaaaaaaa ]
(1).Disregard the test requisition information text for the sample generating the alarm.
(2).Continue to receive the test requisition information text for the other samples within the run.
(1).When receiving the test requisition information text using online, the test requisition cannot be stored.
(2).The display of [ ] and its meaning are as follows.
aaaaaa : Sample type and sample No.
__nnnn : Normal sample
__Ennn : Emergency sample
__Pnnn : Stat sample
_U_nnn : Urine normal sample
_UEnnn : Urine emergency sample
_UPnnn : Urine stat sample
_Xnnnn : Other normal sample
_XEnnn : Other emergency sample
_XPnnn : Other Stat sample
H_nnnn : repeat run normal sample
H_Ennn : repeat run emergency sample
H_Pnnn : repeat run stat sample
HUnnnn : repeat run urine normal sample
HUEnnn : repeat run urine emergency sample
HUPnnn : repeat run urine stat sample
HXnnnn : repeat run other normal sample
HXEnnn : repeat run other emergency sample
HXPnnn : repeat run other stat sample