
- 52 -
1)ONLINE ERROR [ aa ] [ bbbbbbbbb ]
(1). In the Online Parameter menu, submenu Error Control, if the T.R.I. receive has been designated
as "STOP", then the following will occur:
1) Text following the alarm will not be received.
2) In a case when the text requisition is received real-time,the "STOP" status is ignored at the start of
the next analysis and the text requisition will be received real-time again.
(2). In the Online Parameter menu, submenu Error Control, if the T.R.I. receive has been designated to "CONTINUE",
the test requisition for the next sample will be received real-time.
(1).Communication error occurs when transmittng the text for test requisition or when receiving the test requisition format.
(2).The display in the [ ] and its meaning are as follows.
aa : type of the errors
01 : Device name error
02 : Framing error
03 : Over run error
04 : Parity error
05 : Time out error
06 : Receive NAK when transmitting a text
07 : BCC error when receiving a text
08 : Other communication errors
09 : Function error (Full Duplex instead of Half Duplex)
10 : Unit name error
11 : Parameter error
12 : Request cancel
bbbbbbbbb : Text having error
RB : Start text for receiving the test
requisition information.
RE : End text for receiving the test
requisition information.
R_ __ nnnn : normal run, normal sample, sample No.
R_ _E nnnn : normal run, emergency sample, sample No.
R_ _P nnnn : normal run, STAT sample, sample No.
R_ U_ nnnn : normal run, urine sample, sample No.
R_ UE nnnn : normal run, urine emergency sample, sample No.
R_ UP nnnn : normal run, urine STAT sample, sample No.
R_ X_ nnnn : normal run, urine sample, sample No.
R_ XE nnnn : normal run, urine emergency sample, sample No.
R_ XP nnnn : normal run, urine STAT sample, sample No.
RH __ nnnn : repeat run, normal sample, sample No.
RH _E nnnn : repeat run, emergency sample, sample No.
RH _P nnnn : repeat run, STAT sample, sample No.
RH U_ nnnn : repeat run, urine sample, sample No.
RH UE nnnn : repeat run, urine emergency sample, sample No.
RH UP nnnn : repeat run, urine STAT sample, sample No.
R_ __ xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, normal sample, sample ID
R_ _E xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, emergency sample, sample ID
R_ _P xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, STAT sample, sample ID
R_ U_ xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, urine sample, sample ID
R_ UE xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, urine emergency sample,sample ID
R_ UP xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, urine STAT sample, sample ID
R_ X_ xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, urine sample, sample ID
R_ XE xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, urine emergency sample,sample ID
R_ XP xxxxxxxxxxx: normal run, urine STAT sample, sample ID
RH __ xxxxxxxxxxx: repeat run, emergency sample, sample ID
RH _E xxxxxxxxxxx: repeat run, emergency sample, sample ID
RH _P xxxxxxxxxxx: repeat run, STAT sample, sample ID