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(1).Disregard the test requisition information text for the sample generating the alarm.
(2).Continue to receive the test requisition information text for samples following the alarm.
(1).In the Online Parameter menu, submenu Set Up, the T.R.I. receive is not designated asn "YES" for the necessary parameter.
(2).The display in the [ ] and its meaning are as follows.
aaaa : Type of error
R_ __ : normal run, a normal sample
R_ _E : normal run, an emergency sample
R_ _P : normal run, a STAT sample
R_ U_ : normal run, a urine normal sample
R_ UE : normal run, a urine emergency sample
R_ UP : normal run, a urine STAT sample
R_ X_ : normal run, a Other normal sample
R_ XE : normal run, an Other emergency sample
R_ XP : normal run, a Other STAT sample
RH __ : repeat run, a normal sample
RH _E : repeat run, an emergency sample
RH _P : repeat run, a STAT sample
RH U_ : repeat run, a urine normal sample
RH UE : repeat run, a urine emergency sample
RH UP : repeat run, a urine STAT sample
RH X_ : repeat run, a Other normal sample
RH XE : repeat run, an Other emergency sample
RH XP : repeat run, a Other STAT sample
bbbbbbbbbb : Information type that is not designated
No sample No.
No ID No.