Trace Oxygen Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments ix
Operation ....................................................................... 28
4.1 Introduction 28
4.2 Using the Data Entry and Function Buttons 29
4.3 The System Function 31
4.3.1 Tracking the Oxygen Readings during Calibration 32
4.3.2 Setting up an Auto-Cal 33
4.3.3 Password Protection 34 Entering the Password 34 Installing or Changing the Password 35
4.3.4 Logout 37
4.3.5 System Self-Diagnostic Test 37
4.3.6 Version Screen 38
4.3.7 Showing Negative Oxygen Readings 38
4.4 The Zero and Span Functions 39
4.4.1 Zero Cal 40 Auto Mode Zeroing 40 Manual Mode Zeroing 41 Cell Failure 41
4.4.2 Span Cal 42 Auto Mode Spanning 42 Manual Mode Spanning 43
4.4.3 Span Failure 44
4.5 The Alarms Function 45
4.6 The Range Function 47
4.6.1 Setting the Analog Output Ranges 47
4.6.2 Fixed Range Analysis 48
4.7 The Analyze Function 49
4.8 Signal Output 49
Maintenance................................................................... 52
5.1 Routine Maintenance 52
5.2 Cell Replacement 52
5.2.1 Removing the Sensor 52