31 F45 Issue 6
Kerb climber
Fig. 46
Fitting and removal procedure
1. Locate the kerb climber bar into
the left hand location bracket
and push the bar against the
spring (Fig. 45).
2. Hold the kerb climber with your
right hand over the locking lever
and release the locking pin.
3. Align the two pins on the right
hand side of the bar with the cut
outs on the right hand location
4. Allow the tension in the spring to
locate the kerb climber into the
right hand location bracket.
5. Release the locking lever and
ensure the locking pin is
correctly positioned in the
locating hole (Fig. 46).
6. Reverse the procedure to
remove the kerb climber.
Fig. 45
Location pins and slots
Location bracket in locked position