Soehnle body fat monitor Scale User Manual

4Due to loss of water caused by illness or after
physical activity (sport). After taking exercise, wait
for 6 to 8 hours before carrying out the next
Varying or implausible results can occur in
the case of:
4Persons with a high temperature, symptoms of
oedema or osteoporosis
4Persons undergoing dialysis treatment
4Persons taking cardiovascular medicine
4Pregnant women
4Athletes who undertake more than 10 hours of
intensive training per week and have a resting
pulse rate of under 60/min
4Competitive athletes and body builders
4Persons under the age of 17.
Analysis is based on the measurement of the body's
electrical resistance. Eating and drinking habits dur-
ing the course of the day and individual lifestyle
affect the water balance. This is noticeable by the
fluctuations in the display.
In order to ensure that the results of analysis are
a accurate and consistent as possible, keep the
measurement conditions constant, as only in this
way will you be able to observe changes over an
extended period.
Other factors can affect water balance:
4After a bath, the body fat reading may be too low
and the body water reading too high.
4After a meal, readings can be higher.
4Women may experience fluctuations due to the
menstrual cycle.
Factors influencing measurement readings
Health experts recommend the following percentages :
Men Women
Age Body fat
Body fat
low normal high
normal low normal high
10-12 < 8 8-18 18-24 >24 >64 <12 12-23 23-30 >30 >60
12-18 <8 8-18 18-24 >24 >63,5 <15 15-25 25-33 >33 >58,5
18-30 <8 8-18 18-24 >24 >62,5 <20 20-29 29-36 >36 >56
30-40 <11 11-20 20-26 >26 >61 <22 22-31 31-38 >38 >53
40-50 <13 13-22 22-28 >28 >60 <24 24-33 33-40 >40 >52
50-60 <15 15-24 24-30 >30 >59 <26 26-35 35-42 >42 >51
60+ <17 17-26 26-34 >34 >58 <28 28-37 37-47 >47 >50
BA_63627_7328ff_Vers_15.qxd 15.03.2004 12:45 Uhr Seite 15