Practitioner Cart
Manufactured by: Rubbermaid Healthcare • 16905 Northcross Drive • Suite 200 • Huntersville NC 28078
Polycom RealPresence® Practitioner Cart® 8000 User Manual p/n 1793149 Rev C 03/13
Unplugging the cart does not electrically de-energize the cart, hazardous electrical current remains as long as
the cart remains powered on. To de-energize the cart, use the power button to turn off the cart, then unplug
the cart and place the plug in the holder.
If on-off switch is pressed, it will power off entire cart, even in battery mode. In combination with a low speed
of movement, continuous activation of moving switch, very low stopping distances- there is no need to have an
additional emergency switch.
Do not position Practitioner Cart to make it difficult to disconnect MAINS power on device
Removal of the plug will isolate the device from MAINS.
The cart power system is designed for powering cart mounted equipment only.
Do not connect cart mounted equipment into a power source that is not mounted to the cart
Do not connect any equipment to the cart which is powered from a separate mains power outlet.
There is a user accessible mains power outlet provided on the cart for powering devices rated less than 65W,
this power rating should not be exceeded.
DO NOT OPERATE the cart or any equipment installed on the cart while the cart is plugged in If the external
power cord PROTECTIVE EARTH (ground) CONDUCTOR is broken or otherwise disconnected. The cart and
equipment installed on the cart may be safely operated using internal battery power.
Where the integrity of the external PROTECTIVE EARTH (ground) CONDUCTOR arrangement is in doubt,
operate the equipment using the internal electrical power source (battery).
DO NOT OPERATE POWER SYSTEM IF WET. If your cart becomes wet, unplug it immediately, wipe off any
excess liquid, and allow it to dry before using again.
Do not touch the patient and parts of non-medical electrical equipment in the patient environment after removal
of covers, connectors or other parts of the enclosure that could be removed without using a tool.
Do not unplug the camera or display power cord while touching the patient.
Breaking the seal on the lead acid battery to add water will damage the battery and could cause injury.
EQUIPMENT not suitable for use in the presence of a FLAMMABLE ANESTHETIC FIXTURE WITH AIR, or
The supplied spiral cord is rated for medical use. Connecting the cord to an outlet that is not medical grade
(indicated with a green dot) will not ensure grounding protection.
Spiral cord, power system and cart are for INDOOR use only. DO NOT OPERATE OUTDOORS.
Keep spiral cord away from water. DO NOT PLUG CORD INTO OUTLET IF WET.