Taking a Reading
In general, blood pressure measurements are lower on the second
attempt because you are calmer.
For people who easily get tense, measuring twice each time is advised.
When two measurements are taken, normally the smaller
measurement is stored.
When taking two measurements, always stay quiet for 4 to 5 minutes
after the first measurement before taking the second measurement.
Getting into the proper position for taking a measurement
Place the main unit on a table so that it is flat and the center of
the unit is at heart height.
*Differences in height will cause differences in blood pressure values.
If the heights of the chair and table are not suitable, you may have to lean
forward. In this case, form a stable stack of books or similar objects under
the main unit to adjust the height of the main unit.
*You cannot use the unit while lying down. Use only in a sitting position.
Elbow rest
1 Put the main unit on a table in front of you
and slide your arm through the
measurement section of the unit.
Remove your shirt or roll up your sleeve so
that the measuring section will be on your
bare skin.
If rolling up your sleeve causes pressure on
your arm or underarm, remove your shirt for
Be sure that the rolled-up sleeve is not
inside the cuff area when taking
Place your elbow on the elbow rest with
your palm up and relax.
3 Place the wireless display in front of your
body where you can see it easily.
The main unit and the wireless display
transmit/receive the measured values
through infrared rays. (See page 18.)
Do not put your hand or any other objects in
front of the wireless display.
Differences in blood pressure values between
the left and right arms may be around
mmHg. The blood pressure can be
measured in either the left or right arm, but all
measurements should be taken using the
same arm for comparative consistency.
Posture to obtain accurate measurements
Stretch your back.
Place the main unit in
front of you on a table
at heart height.
Measure on bare skin.
Put your elbow on the elbow rest.
Put your palm up and relax.
Place the wireless display where
you can see it easily.
Do not put your hand or any other
objects in front of the wireless display.
Cautions to obtain accurate measurements
Sit quietly and relax while taking measurements.
Do not lean forward
with your body at an
angle during
Take measurements in
the proper posture.
Do not let your rolled-
up sleeve be inside the
measuring section.
Roll your sleeve far up
your arm.
Do not take
measurements at the
elbow. Place your elbow
in the elbow rest.
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