Foodstuff Codes
Nutrition Scales KH 809
890 Cereal bar, Granola, soft plain
891 Maize, Cob, cooked
892 Cornfl our, white
893 Maize, Cereal,
cooked with water
894 Maize, Cereal, dry
895 Maize, Sweetcorn, cooked
896 Maize, Sweetcorn, cooked
from frozen
897 Maize, Sweetcorn, tinned in
898 Maize, Sweetcorn, tinned in
899 Maize, Sweetcorn,
yellow - white
900 Cornfl akes, Cereals
901 Corn on the cob, with Butter
902 Cornmeal, full corn
903 Cornmeal, degermed
904 Couscous, cooked
905 Couscous, raw
906 Muesli with dried fruits
907 Flour, Bread fl our, white
908 Flour, Rice fl our, white
909 Flour, Whole grain
910 Lasagne, frozen
911 Mini wheats, Cereals, frosted
912 Noodles, Egg, dry
913 Noodles, Egg, cooked with salt
914 Noodles, Soba, dry
915 Noodles, Somen, dry
916 Oats
917 Pasta, Corn, dry
918 Pasta, Spinat, fresh, cooked
919 Pasta, Spinach, fresh, raw
920 Pasta, Tortellini, with cheese
fi lling
921 Pasta, Wholewheat, dry,
922 Pasta, Wholewheat, dry, raw
923 Pasta, dry, cooked
924 Pasta, dry, raw
925 Pasta, fresh, cooked
926 Pasta, fresh, raw
927 Pastry, Creampuff , baked
928 Pastry, Cream puff , frozen
929 Puff ed rice, Cereals
930 Puff ed wheat, Cereals
931 Ravioli, Meat and Tomato
932 Rice, brown, cooked
933 Rice, brown, raw
934 Rice, Ricecake, plain
935 Rice, Ricecake, with Sesame
936 Rice, fried Egg
937 Rice, Ricenoodles, cooked
938 Rice, Ricenoodles, dry
939 Rice, white, cooked with salt
940 Rice, Wildrice, cooked
941 Rice, Wildrice, raw
942 Rice, white, raw
943 Rice, half wild rice/half white
944 Rice, "Crispy Rice“, Cereal
945 Semolina, raw
946 Spaghetti, Bolognese, frozen
947 Spring roll, fried
948 Wheat, Hard wheat