Initial use
Nutrition Scales KH 809
Initial use
Remove all packaging materials from the appliance. Remove the protective ■
foil from the display 3.
Open the battery compartment ■ 9 on the underside of the scales and remove the
small plastic strips which are clamped between the batteries and the contacts.
Close the battery compartment 9 afterwards, such that the battery compart-
ment cover audibly engages.
The scale can display weights in grams (g) or oz (ounce). You can set the
unit on the rear of the appliance. Slide the units switch 2 to the desired unit.
In these operating instructions, g (grams) is always the unit shown as an
example .
Place the scales on a level and heat-resistent surface. A fi rm standing is the prere-
quisite for correct measurement.
This appliance is equipped with non-slip rubber feet. As furniture surfaces ►
may be made of a variety of materials and are treated with many diff erent
types of cleaning agents, it cannot be completely ruled out that some sub-
stances contain ingredients which may corrode the rubber rests and soften
them. If possible place an anti-slip material under the feet of the appliance.