Foodstuff Codes
Nutrition Scales KH 809
605 Peperoni-Salami, Pork and Beef
606 Polony, Sausage, Pork
607 Pork, Backrib, cooked
608 Pork, Hock, raw
609 Pork, Trotter, raw
610 Pork, Kidney, raw
611 Pork, Loin chop, raw
612 Pork, Loin chop, braised
613 Pork, lean, raw
614 Pork, raw
615 Pork, Salt, cured
616 Pork, Spare rib, braised
617 Pork, Steak, braised
618 Pork, Steak, raw
619 Pork, Tongue, raw
620 Pork, cured, bacon,
Canadian style
621 Pork, cured, bacon, cooked
622 Pork, cured, bacon, raw
623 Pork, cured, Trotters, pickled
624 Pork, cured, Ham, cooked
625 Rabbit, Stew
626 Rabbit, raw
627 Salami, Pork and Beef
628 Salami, Pork and Beef dry
629 Sausage, Pork and Beef
630 Sausage, Italian, Pork
631 Sausage, Pork, raw
632 Sausage, Pork, cooked
633 Sausage, Pork and Beef,
634 Vienna sausage, Pork and
Beef, tinned
635 Escargot, raw
636 Broth, Beef
637 Sweetbread, Veal sweetbread,
638 Turkey-ham, cooked in slices
639 Veal, Brain, raw
640 Veal, Cutlet, raw
641 Veal, Cutlet, roasted
642 Veal, Heart, raw
643 Veal, Kidneys, raw
644 Veal, Liver, raw
645 Veal, Liver, roasted in the pan
646 Veal, raw
647 Veal, cooked
648 Veal, lean, raw
649 Bloody Mary, Tomato cocktail
650 Club, Soda
651 Coff ee, Espresso, prepared
652 Coff ee, ground, prepared
653 Coff ee, Instant, coff ein-free
654 Coff ee, Instant, coff ein-free
655 Coff ee, Instant, powder
656 Coff ee, Instant, prepared
657 Cola, coff ein-free
658 Cola, normal
659 Drink, malted
660 Energy drink,
with added coff ein
661 Gin 40%
662 Juice, Apple
663 Juice, Carrot