Warranty Regulations
1. Warranty information and term of its validity.
The scale's breakdown under normal operating condition is guaranteed for a repair with no charge for 1 year from the date of its purchase.
2. Exception for guaranteed repair.
Data of visit Reason for visit Inspection result Inspector
Breakdown caused by following reasons are exceptions for guaranteed repair.
z When breakdown occurs by remodeling the scale with one's decision, without any approval from
this company or this company's acknowledged business pursuits.
z Breakdown caused by lack of user's care.
z Interior remodeling; when damage is made by a person, not affiliated with this company and this
company's sales department, trying to change the inner structure of the product.
z Breakdown and damage caused by not abiding the cautions during use.
z Breakdown or damage caused by natural disaster such as fire and flood.
z When the letter of warranty is not presented.
3. Other
Letter of warranty without official seal of approval is not valid.
Letter of Warranty
Serial No.
Name of company
Date of delivery (yr/mo/dt)
Sales department Telephone
Sales agent