GF0600059RevB06, November 2006 Metro Power III Owner’s Manual
Reaching / bending forward or sideward
Warning: Do not attempt to reach objects if you are required to move forward in
the seat. Do not attempt to retrieve objects from the floor if you must reach down
between your knees. Do not shift your weight in the direction that you are reaching
and/or bending; this could cause the wheelchair to tip.
1. Maneuver the wheelchair as close as possible to the object you wish to reach.
2. Rotate both casters fully forward. If otherwise, go forward and then back the wheelchair toward
the object to swing the casters fully forward.
3. Ensure that the casters are rotated fully forward before reaching. If not, repeat step 1.
Reaching / bending backward
Warning: Do not lean over the back upholstery; this could cause the wheelchair to
1. Maneuver the wheelchair as close as possible to the object. e rear wheels will limit how close
you can get.
2. Rotate both casters fully forward. If otherwise, go forward and then back the wheelchair toward
the object to swing the casters fully forward.
3. Reach only as far as your arm will extend without changing your sitting position. If in doubt,
reposition the wheelchair or ask for assistance.
Warning: During descent, the lowest part of the footplate extensions should be no
closer to the ground than 2
/2 inches, to permit proper clearance.
Warning: Do not attempt inclines without anti-tippers installed. Do not attempt any
incline or decline of more than 6 degrees (10% grade, or one foot of rise or fall per
ten feet of ramp length).
Warning: If equipped with wheel locks—do not use the locks to slow your descent.
Attempting to use wheel locks is likely to result in accidental locking that could
cause the wheelchair to stop abruptly, suddenly pitch forward, or tip sideways.
Warning: Avoid changing direction while descending a ramp or incline, as this could
cause instability.
Most people are capable of negotiating short inclines without assistance, depending upon upper
body strength, endurance, and the degree of incline. Know your own capabilities and limitations in
terms of strength and endurance before attempting to negotiate an incline or decline. Practice with
an attendant or healthcare professional first before attempting any inclines, declines curbs or ramps.