Access Read-only
Table 1513. Array Disk State
Object ID
Description Identifies the current state of the array disk.
Possible states:
0: Unknown
1: Ready - Available for use, but no RAID configuration has been
2: Failed - Not operational.
3: Online - Operational. RAID configuration has been assigned.
4: Offline - The drive is not available to the RAID controller.
6: Degraded - Refers to a fault-tolerant array/virtual disk that has a failed
7: Recovering - Refers to state of recovering from bad blocks on disks.
11: Removed - Indicates that array disk has been removed.
13: Non-RAID - Indicates that array disk is not a RAID capable disk.
14: Not Ready - Applicable for PCIeSSD devices indicating that the
device is in locked state.
15: Resynching - Indicates one of the following types of disk operations:
Transform Type, Reconfiguration, and Check Consistency.
22: Replacing - Indicates copyback operation is in progress.
24: Rebuild
25: No Media - CD-ROM or removable disk has no media.
26: Formatting - In the process of formatting.
28: Diagnostics - Diagnostics are running.
34: Predictive Failure
35: Initializing: Applies only to virtual disks on PERC, PERC 2/SC, and
PERC 2/DC controllers.
39: Foreign
40: Clear
41: Unsupported