- Eng 5 -
Precautions for use
1. If you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure or other
circulatory disease, consult your physician before using the monitor.
2. If you feel abnormal pressure of the cuff during use or any other
irregularity, reduce the pressure by immediately switching off the
power or remove the batteries and consult the sales outlet where
3. If you think the measurement is abnormal or if measurement makes
you feel unwell, discontinue use and consult your physician.
4. Blood pressure measurement may not be possible for anyone with
a weak pulse or arrhythmia.
5. Repeated blood pressure measurement may cause problems such
as congestion or swelling in some people.
6. Frequently repeated blood pressure measurements will not give
accurate results. Allow an interval of about 1 minute between
7. If you suffer from a severe problem with blood circulation in your
arms, consult your physician before using the monitor. Failure to do
so could be hazardous to your health.
8. Measurement may not be possible for anyone with insuffi cient
blood fl ow to the area where measurements will be taken or who
suffers from a frequent irregular heartbeat. Consult your physician
for advice on whether to use the monitor.
9. DO NOT wrap the cuff around an injured wrist.
10. DO NOT wrap the cuff around a wrist in which a drip (intravenous
infusion) is inserted, or which is being used for blood transfusion
as part of medical treatment. Doing so could result in an injury or a
serious accident.
11. DO NOT use the monitor in the vicinity of fl ammable gases such as
those used for anaesthesia. Doing so could ignite the gases and
cause an explosion.
12. DO NOT use the monitor in enriched oxygen environments such
as a hospital’s hyperbaric chamber or oxygen tent. Doing so could
ignite the oxygen and cause a fi re.