
- Eng 3 -
7. DO NOT try to measure your blood pressure immediately after drinking coffee
or tea or after smoking.
8. Measure your blood pressure when you are relaxed and still. Keep the center
of the cuff at the level of your heart and DO NOT move your arm or talk.
9. DO NOT measure blood pressure when the cuff has been on your arm for
a few minutes or more. During this time, your arm will have built up a higher
blood pressure and you will not get valid reading.
10. The fi gure below shows the blood pressure classifi cations under the WHO
The graph is not exact, but may be
used as a guide in understanding
non-invasive blood pressure
measurements. The device is only
intended for use with adults.
Defi nitions and Classifi cations of Blood Pressure Levels
Measure your blood pressure at the same time each day.
* Your blood pressure changes all the time. This means that data gathered over
a long period has far more signifi cance than data from just one measurement.
For this reason, you must measure your blood pressure on a daily basis. Ideally,
you should measure your blood pressure at the same time each day wherever