Advanced Adjustments 19
Turn the Brightness knob to toggle the
Backporch clamping between Off and On.
The normal setting is: Off.
If Backporch clamping is switched off, clamping is
on the sync tip.
IMPORTANT: Improper setting of the Backporch
clamping can result in incorrect luminance output.
Turn the Brightness knob to toggle the Orbiter
between Off and On.
The Orbiter slightly and slowly moves the image
to prevent pixel burn-in.
IMPORTANT: These adjustments are service
adjustments. They have to be done by means of
the proper measurement tools.
Do not adjust if you don’t have the right skills
and equipment!
These adjustments are described in the Service
Luma equalizing
Turn the Brightness knob to toggle the LUC
system between Off and On.
IMPORTANT: The normal way to adjust
Luminance Uniformity Correction (LUC), is the
automatic way, using MediCal. The manual, zone-
dependent adjustments are service
adjustments. They have to be done by means of
the proper measurement tools.
Do not adjust if you don’t have the right skills
and equipment!
These adjustments are described in the Service