This document describes the ADSL X6v modem's VoIP features. It provides information about the VoIP
configuration parameters and explains how to view and modify them using the Configuration Manager
interface or by downloading configuration files via the VoIP Subsystem's update mechanism.
Using the Configuration Manager
The Configuration Manager is the interface to the ADSL X6v modem. To access the interface:
Type in your browser's address field.
2 When prompted, log on in administrator mode, using the following Username and Password:
Username: admin
Password: zoomadsl
Note to service providers: If you are going to lock units to your service, we strongly recommend that
you change the password before shipping any product to the field. See
Changing the admin Password on
6 for instructions.
When the ADSL Setup page opens, click the VoIP icon on the Zoom menu bar to access the VoIP
Click the Advanced VoIP Setup icon, then select VoIP System from the left pane's menu to access the
configuration parameter categories.
Select items from the VoIP System menu to view or modify the parameters within these groups:
System Parameters
VoIP Accounts
VoIP Parameters
SIP Parameters
Subscription Services
User Configuration
Feature Codes
Chapter 1: Introduction 5