#[1-9]e#r5xp3r*x is a string that is identical to the previous two, except for the first digit. This string
supports cases where service providers use strings that start with # for various special features or
control purposes. This string is forwarded to the service provider only if the mode is set to
1010Se#p2r*x is a string included to support cases where North-American style dial-around dialing is
available. The S means that if someone dials 1010 as the first four digits of a dial string, this is the
only string the VoIP Subsystem should match to from that point on. e# means that the user can
indicate the completion of dialing at any time by entering #. p2 means that after someone dials 1010,
the timeout between subsequent digits is reduced to two (2) seconds. r*x means that the VoIP
Subsystem will continue to collect dialed digits until there is a timeout.
0Se#r5xp2r*x is the second workhorse string of the default pattern matching string. International calls in
almost every country, and domestic long distance calls in most countries outside North America, all
match this pattern. Any number that starts with zero (0) matches this string. The user may dial # at
any time to indicate the number dialed is complete. After the user dials the sixth digit, the inter-digit
timeout is reduced to two seconds. After that point, the VoIP Subsystem continues to collect digits
until the user pauses two seconds. Then the VoIP Subsystem sends the dialed string to the service
[3469]11 means either 3 OR 4 OR 6 OR 9, followed by 11 (that is, 311 OR 411 OR 611 OR 911).
North American Number Plan Area (NANPA) Dialing Examples
Recognize a seven (7) digit number, However, do not match to this string if beginning with a 1(one)
This string will allow a user to dial 2XXXXXX - 9XXXXXX. However, if the number entered begins with a 1
(one), do not match to this pattern.
Match a long distance number to this string, as in 1-<area code>-<7 digit dial>.
This string will allow a user to dial a phone number using a toll prefix of 1 (one). It also makes certain
that the seven-digit local phone number under NANPA does not begin with a 1 (one).
Dial String Tips
Disallow 1900XXXXXXX
This tells the system to look at the first four digits of the entered number, and if they match 1900 to
drop to a failed tone.
1900 numbers in the US are premium-rate numbers that may incur high per-minute charges.
Disallow a 976XXXX number
This tells the system to look at the first three digits of the entered number, and if they match 976 to
drop to a failed tone.
40 X6v VoIP Features Technical Reference