Operating Your Zebra XiII-Series Printer
Now that your printer is ready for operation, how does it work? The Zebra
XiII-Series printer is designed to receive instructions from a host computer,
such as an IBM-compatible PC. To create a label, you will either need to
write a format in ZPL II , which is a programming language for creating la
bel formats, or you will need to use a software program designed to format
labels for the Zebra XiII-Series printer. If you are using label design soft
ware, refer to the instructions provided with your software package to deter
mine how to do this.
If you are using, or plan to use, ZPL II programming language to format
your labels, make sure you have a copy of the ZPL II Programming Guide.
Refer to the mail/fax-in card at the front of this book to obtain a copy. For
some sample ZPL II label formats, refer to page 46.
Printer Operating Modes
The XiII printer can be configured for one of several different operating
modes by sending the proper commands from the host computer or by con
figuring the printer for a certain mode using the front panel display.
Tear-Off Mode
When the media is in the rest (idle) position, the gap between labels is over
the Tear-Off/Peel-Off Plate. The operator then tears off the label, and a new
label may be printed.
This mode of operation may also be used to print a large quantity of labels.
To do this, send a format for printing a batch of labels to the printer. The
printing will continue until all labels have been printed.
Zebra XiII-Series User’s Guide 21
Fri Aug 07 10:35:45 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen