Non-Continuous Media
This type of media has some type of physical characteristic (gap, notch, per
foration, etc.) which indicates the start/end of each label. The Media Sensor
must be properly positioned to sense these indicators. See “Transmissive
Media Sensor Position Adjustment” on page 15.
Continuous Media
Since continuous media does not contain label start/end indicators, you
must tell the printer via software how long each label is. If you are using
ZPL or ZPL II, include a Label Length (^LL) instruction in each label for
mat you send to the printer (refer to your ZPL II Programming Guide). If
you are using other software to communicate with your printer, refer to the
instructions provided with that software.
Black-Mark Media
This type of media has black marks printed on the back that indicate the
start/end of each label. The Reflective Media Sensor detects these marks,
which allows the printer to differentiate between labels. It is generally used
with a cutter to separate the labels because there is no gap between the la-
bels to allow them to be peeled off.
To load media, refer to Figures 1 through 3 and follow the loading proce-
dure for your application. This section details the media loading instructions
for the printer. For descriptions of the operating modes, refer to the Opera
tion section.
Zebra XiII-Series User’s Guide 7
Fri Aug 07 10:34:39 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen