
E a s y A c c o m p a n i m e n t
The chord is actually entered only when the [ENTER] key is
pressed. Until the [ENTER] key is pressed, the newly specified
chord root and type will flash on the display.
Actually, you can press the chord type key and then the root key, the
order doesn’t matter.
The Chord Types
add9 added ninth.
M major.
M7(9) major seventh ninth.
M7 major seventh.
aug augmented.
6 sixth.
7(9) seventh ninth.
7 seventh.
add9 minor added ninth.
m minor
m7(9) minor seventh ninth.
m7 minor seventh.
mM7 minor major seventh.
m6 minor sixth.
m7(11) minor seventh added eleventh.
m7(b5) minor seventh flatted fifth.
7(#9) seventh sharp ninth.
7(b9) seventh flatted ninth.
7(b13) seventh added flatted thirteenth.
7(13) seventh added thirteenth.
7(#11) seventh added sharp eleventh.
7(#5) seventh sharp fifth.
7sus4 seventh suspended fourth.
sus4 suspended fourth.
- non-ABC (see “NOTE” below).
dim diminished.
The “-
-” chord type marking is a special “non-ABC” type that can be
used to transpose accompaniment patterns to the selected chord root
without re-harmonization.
If you enter only the chord root without a chord type, the preceding
chord type will be retained. In the same way the root of the preceding
chord will be retained if only the chord type is entered.